Excitement continues with Real Tour Vision. Created a demo tour which I will submit to agents and businesses alike as an example of what we can provide. Nice option available is the ability to change and add floorplan and a Starlight Night Photo, etc. We have to replace two photos since the owners have moved out, to compliment what has already been posted. Here is the link: http://www.68meseroway.com/.
I have also been working on a logo for a wonderful group, Teapots and Treasures and will be building their website soon, www.TeapotsAndTreasures.com. This is the week to work on 10 pages (this month) for the Parade of Homes. We already uploaded the cover and inside back cover. In between all this I am working on a brochure for a really interesting health food store, Village Nutrition. I am going to offer them a virtual tour, which should really help with all the products they offer.

I am hoping to start back working on my own website next week. I am going to be working on using Pinnacle Studio Ultimate to make my virtual tours YouTube compatible. I have been taking webinars and working on my craft whenever I'm not out taking photographs or working on projects. Just added more software to my system. Life is exciting!